President's Message
A Message from CUPE 204 President, Margaret Schroeder
Thank you for visiting the Local 204 website. We are hoping that you will find all of the information that you need here.
On this public page, we have included forms that you need such as the Heavy Workload Forms and other forms that will be required from time to time.
Our collective agreement is also posted in PDF so that you may download it. As we are in bargaining, we will also be including the monthly bargaining updates. If you are a former member of CUPE Local 204, please keep an eye out for ratification information as we will post what you are required to do in order to collect any retro owed from the Employer.
For our Members, you’ll see the link to sign into the Member pages where minutes from prior meetings, by-laws and policies and other information that you might find useful.
CUPE Local continues to face many challenges as our employers misinterpret our collective agreement, makes attempts to change our past practices on our worksites and we are continuing to work with staff shortages. Now, more than ever it is important for you to keep up to date with the happenings within the Local so please sign up to our Member site so that you can receive emails
and/or text messages as we send them out.
If you have any questions regarding your Union or your workplace issues, please reach out to our Local 204 office at or call 204-775-2873.
I wish to thank all of our members for all of the support and interest in your Union.
In Solidarity,
Margaret Schroeder
President, CUPE Local 204
Union Contacts
Local News
CUPE Local Health Care Support Workers – Strike Appreciation Day
Come and join us for Pizza, Salad and a drink.
Stay Connected
Heavy Workload Form
Fill this form out if you are working at an unreasonable pace / short staffed.
This form is designed for CUPE Local 204 health care members.
Quick Links