MOS/Ratification Document for Information Sessions

Dear Members,

Please see attached the Memorandum of Settlement (MOS) between the Provincial Health Labour Relations Service (PHLRS) and CUPE.

At the time that the MOS is voted on and agreed to by the majority of the Members, the Collective Agreement will be amended to include this MOS.

This document will not be posted onto Facebook as that is far too public a forum for it to be placed on.

The notice of the dates and times of the information sessions is also attached.

We will be using Younified, our private Member only portal for an electronic vote. Please check you log ins ahead of time to ensure that they work.

If you’ve not yet signed up, please go to and click on the Younified links.

It will ask you for your Union which is CUPE and for your Local, which is 204.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in contacting us at 204-775-2873.


Margaret Schroeder

CUPE 204


Ph Direct Line: 204-306-9755